Apparently some people with SLC Veg (led by Jorgen Kasteler) handed out over 600 of my fliers about the gospel and vegetarianism this last conference weekend! I did not go but gave them my blessing as long as it was clear that it was not a protest; that mormonsforanimals is a pro-mormon, pro-animal organization. As long as positive energy accompanies positive messages about the gospel teaching compassion for all of our fellow beings, then share away!
Apparently it was a big success. Take a look at my flier here.
-An LDS point of view
We know as latter-day saints from
prophets and scriptures that animals have souls, are here to fulfill their own
purposes, and are capable of feeling both joy and misery. We also know that God
loves and cares for animals and that we will be held accountable for how we
treat them. As George Q. Cannon (among many others) taught: “It is not our acts
to our fellow man alone that we shall be called to an account for, but our acts
to the creations of our Father in heaven. These animals are His, He created
them, and they are not outside of the reach of His love and care, and they
cannot be badly treated with impunity.” (JI Jan. 1897)
if mistreating animals is wrong and we are not supposed to be the “authors of misery to any part of
creation.” (Brigham Young: JD
11:150) then does that mean that we shouldn’t eat them?
Vegetarianism and the Scriptures
and Eve were apparently vegetarian: “the earth, and every tree, in the which is
the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” (Genesis
1:29-30.) The first time in
scripture that humans are given permission to eat animals is after the flood,
when God says to Noah: “And the
fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and
upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all
the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing
that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all
things.” (Genesis 9:2-3.) This state of fear of man is opposite to the state of
harmony that existed in the Garden of Eden, before mankind’s fall.
note importantly that God’s permission given to Noah to eat meat is followed
with a warning: “But, the blood of all flesh which I have given you for meat,
shall be shed upon the ground, which taketh life thereof, and the blood ye
shall not eat. And
surely, blood shall not be shed, only for meat, to save your lives; and the
blood of every beast will I require at your hands.”
(JST Genesis 9:10-11) This scripture seems to be saying that the only
time we should kill animals is if we would starve otherwise.
There are several other scriptures that give us permission to eat
animals, especially in the Doctrine and Covenants. But they are followed with a
warning to eat it only when necessary.
D&C 49 teaches: “And
whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is
not ordained of God; For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the
air, and that which cometh of the earth, is ordained for the use of man for
food and for raiment, and that he might have in abundance. “ (D&C 49:15,
18-19) This seems to say that forbidding meat eating is wrong, since God gave
permission to eat animals. But note that the very next verse gives a strong
warning: “But it is not given that one man should possess that which is above
another, wherefore the world lieth in sin. And wo be unto that man that sheddeth blood or that wasteth flesh and
hath no need.”
(D&C 49: 20-21). So God does
not support the “forbidding” of eating meat; but he also does not support
eating meat or killing animals in any way unless we need to.
59 also teaches us that “all things which come of the earth, in the season
thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man …” but the next verse
clarifies: “for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by
extortion.” (D&C 59:
18-19) The mistreatment of animals on today’s factory farms could easily be
referred to as ‘extortion’.
famous word of wisdom (D&C 89)
also teaches us about the eating of animals. It says:
Yea, flesh also of
beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of
man with thanksgiving; nevertheless
they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times
of winter, or of cold, or famine.
All grain is ordained
for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but
for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that
run or creep on the earth;
these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of
hunger. (D&C 89:12-15.)
it is remarkable how clear and consistent the scriptures are on this topic: we are
given permission to eat meat, but repeatedly admonished to do so only when
necessary. Winter, cold, famine, and excess of hunger are times when non-animal
foods was not available. Today, we have ample vegetarian food available all
year around.
the word ‘sparingly’ not only means “in great moderation,” but also “in a
sparing or saving manner.” This word of wisdom may be expressing a concern for
animal life as well as for our
health. An article about the word of wisdom that appeared in the Times and
Seasons during the lifetime of Joseph Smith wrote: "Let men attend to
these instructions; let them use the things ordained of God; let them be
sparing of the life of animals...." (Times and Seasons III [June 1,
1842]: 801.) .
What Prophets Have Said
statements of scripture are supported by many LDS prophets and apostles, too
many to mention here, but I share a few:
The prophet Joseph Smith, wrote: “I exhorted the brethren not to kill a
serpent, bird, or an animal of any kind during my journey unless it became necessary
in order to preserve ourselves from hunger.” (DHC 2:71.) Journals report that he repeatedly made sure
that the latter-day pioneers were following this lesson.
Q. Cannon (1st
counselor in the 1st presidency) wrote on killing animals: “… Am I
or my family hungry? If so, of
course man is justified in killing animals or birds to satisfy his or his
family's hunger. But if he has not
any want of meat he "sheddeth blood," and he exposes himself to this
wo which the Lord has pronounced.” (Juvenile
Instructor 34 [Oct 1,1899]:
The prophet Joseph F. Smith: "I do not believe any man should kill animals
or birds unless he needs them for food...." (JI 48 [May 1913]: 308-309.)
M. Smith: "To kill,
when not necessary, is a sin akin to murder." (D&C Commentary, p. 286.)
C. Kimball: "There is
nothing in the spirit of love that will kill or destroy unnecessarily...."
(JD 6:128.)
President Lorenzo Snow said he "thought the time was near at hand when
the Latter-day Saints should be taught to refrain from meat eating and the
shedding of animal blood." (Journal
History, November 3, 1897.)
The prophet Joseph
Smith also taught: “Men must become harmless before the brute creation, and
when men lose their vicious dispositions and cease to destroy the animal race,
the lion and the lamb can dwell together, and the suckling child can play with
the serpent in safety.” (TPJS; p. 71)
Viewing the practices on modern-day factory
farms, the light of Christ plainly teaches that such maltreatment of our fellow
beings grieves the Spirit of our Heavenly Father. A conscience-full latter-day
saint then should avoid supporting such things. The prophet Brigham Young
taught: “If we maltreat our
animals, or each other, the spirit within us, our traditions, and the Bible,
all agree in declaring it is wrong,”(JD 1:336-337) and further: “Were it not
for the ignorance of the people, the Lord would curse them for such things.”
(JD 15:227)
Let us, then as latter-day saints, seek to refrain from supporting
anything that harms our fellow beings, and our own health, so that we can be
part of bringing forth that beautiful day when: “the enmity of man, and the enmity of beasts, yea, the enmity of all
flesh, shall cease from before my face” (D&C 101:24-26) and the lion and
the lamb can finally lie down together “And they shall not hurt nor destroy in
all my holy mountain.” (Isaiah 11:6-9)
This is excellent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on these scriptures.
ReplyDeletePlease keep posting. :)
It's so nice to see these things out there on the net. I'm a life-long vegetarian. Before my parents first joined the church in 1985, they read these things and were so excited to be a part of it...then they went to their first ward activity and were horrified by the roasting flesh. :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband is going on three years of complete vegetarianism along with our children. He actually found your blog the other day and sent it to me, after attending our branch chili cook-off. My sister's whole family is as well, her husband converted not long after they were married. Our last ward was pretty accepting and accommodating (something I hadn't experienced much of before), but our new tiny branch is not so much.
My husband wishes we could poll everyone and find the highest concentration of vegetarian members, then move there! We're smack dab in the middle of cow country, in a small farm town in MO.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! I appreciate your thoughts here! When I was an investigator the sisters told me that the gospel was very pro-animal (they were right), and one of the first members I met claimed to be a vegetarian. I had high hopes, only to find out that church members are very strict about the first half of the word of wisdom and ignore the second half (even do the opposite)!
I make this recipe for the chili cook off every year:
Though I don't taste the other ones, I am pretty sure it is the best chili there! (it's pretty much a perfect chili recipe, to my tastes)
As far was ward members, I live in Orem, and when I teach Elders Quorum I get teased for teaching the whole word of wisdom. Yikes.
At least there is the internet for people like us to share thoughts and experiences.
I just got the pleasure of endorsing a new book on health and the word of wisdom by Jane Birch (of BYU). You should look forward to it coming out; it has wonderful stuff!
Thanks for your email and keep waiving Moroni's flag of compassion.
This is so wonderful! For a few years I have been struggling to feel like my diet complies with the Word of Wisdom. Lately I've been leaning more and more towards the vegan side of vegetarianism. This is pretty difficult as an agriculture student in east Texas. So many Christians are quick to tell me "God gave us animals." I am glad this post compiles so many prophetic words on vegetarianism. I saw an interview from you on youtube tonight. You inspired me to begin sharing my own Mormon vegan journey through blogging. Best wishes :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear it! We are actually among the pioneers of truth. I think that it is so important for everyone to share what they know. Because we know that our message is true (that animals are badly abused by our current system) and because most people are unaware of it (or the extent of it), it stands to reason that we have the privilege and obligation to share these truths far and wide. Thanks for your inspirational words. You have made me pledge to do more!
For a correct understanding of D&C 49:18 you need to read this recently published article in Interpreter.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Loren, for sharing that (long) article, which I just read.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I have always understood D&C49:18 to be mean "Forbid to eat," so, roughly speaking, I agree with him.
However, what we veggie advocates are doing is not 'forbidding' to eat meat, but making an ethical argument against it when not necessary. We are not saying that God said that no one ever should be allowed to eat meat. We are saying that in a day in which plenty of plant food is available year round, that it is more ethical not to eat animals.
In fact, D&C49 says the same thing just three verses later: "And wo be unto man that sheddeth blood or that wasteth flesh and hath no need." Which is saying that you ought not to kill animals unless it is necessary. Therefore, if what we are doing in arguing against the needless harm to animals goes against D&C49, then D&C49 goes against itself.
Therefore, the way I see it, we should understand our ethical argument against unnecessary meat eating (and against animal abuse more generally) to be in harmony with D&C49 as a whole.
Thanks for sharing!