Monday, November 21, 2011

UVU Review

A few months ago I was invited by the Humane society of the United States to be part of their interfaith council. I happily accepted.

As a result a week ago my wife and I went out to DC for their faith outreach conference. It was great. The people at the conference were awesome (working for animals in some way or other in various faiths throughout the country). Not all are vegetarian or anything like that, but the point of the HSUS is to work with people where they are and help society to move in the direction of kindness to animals.

Today in the UVU Review (UVU's student paper) there was a very nice article by Lindsey Nelson about me and about my work with HSUS.

Here is the article:

Lindsey said she tried to put more of the quotations from LDS leaders about kindness to animals, but they were edited out because of space considerations.

If you came to this blog because of that article, please take a look at my powerpoint two posts ago. There you will find lots of scriptures and prophetic quotations backing up my arguments. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Occupy Earth!

Sandy Parsons, Salt Lake artist just posted this on facebook:

"In this time of revolution, of taking our power back, please don't forget to include our non-human brothers and sisters. They are the real majority on this planet and they need our voices to speak out for them. It is our economy of extraction and consumption that is destroying our environment. Please be aware of that correlation when you are asking leaders to increase jobs and boost the economy, because boosting it will only ...kill the Earth faster. Progress = Environmental Destruction. Please fight for "green jobs" and restoration projects instead. Please fight for local community gardens and plant-based diets. We are all connected to the environment and all life on Earth. 200 species are driven to excinction every day. Their fate is OUR fate. We cannot consume the planet and still live on it. Please wake up to this reality. Make Peace for ALL~"

Here's the link:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Lecture is Now on Youtube

The UVU ethics center was kind enough to film my full presentation at their studio. This allows for up to six students to be present and for high production quality. I have digital copies of it, but it is also on uvu's Youtube site for all to see:

Unfortunately it is 1h20m long, and I was a bit stumbly at points, but it is all here. Please feel free to share far and wide.

We may do a shorter version (10min) soon. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Should Mormons Eat Meat? - A public lecture

A Presentation about Animal Ethics and the LDS Gospel

by Dr. Christopher Foster

Thursday, April 14, 2011, 6-7:30 pm

LA 025, Utah Valley Univeristy

(will be filmed)

Mormons for Animals

This is a site designed to promote kindness to animals from an LDS perspective.