Monday, November 21, 2011

UVU Review

A few months ago I was invited by the Humane society of the United States to be part of their interfaith council. I happily accepted.

As a result a week ago my wife and I went out to DC for their faith outreach conference. It was great. The people at the conference were awesome (working for animals in some way or other in various faiths throughout the country). Not all are vegetarian or anything like that, but the point of the HSUS is to work with people where they are and help society to move in the direction of kindness to animals.

Today in the UVU Review (UVU's student paper) there was a very nice article by Lindsey Nelson about me and about my work with HSUS.

Here is the article:

Lindsey said she tried to put more of the quotations from LDS leaders about kindness to animals, but they were edited out because of space considerations.

If you came to this blog because of that article, please take a look at my powerpoint two posts ago. There you will find lots of scriptures and prophetic quotations backing up my arguments. Thanks for visiting!

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